Klerk has some properties that helps you secure the data:
- Klerk is secure by design, i.e. the authorization rules are evaluated automatically (unless explicitly skipped).
- Klerk is secure by default, i.e. nothing is allowed unless explicitly permitted.
- An audit log is provided out-of-the-box.
- The authorization configuration is granular. E.g. reading of a whole model and reading of a specific property in the model are two different things.
- The system you create has an attribute-based access control (ABAC). And since you write your own functions to configure authorization, you can easily describe the rules as you want them.
- As the concurrency model is serializable and all rules are evaluated immediately before an event is accepted, the system is protected against "time of check, time of use" (TOCTOU) vulnerabilities.
- Commands are idempotent. While not strictly a security measure, idempotence ensures that data is not modified by mistake.
- The form-builder (plugin) protects against Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.