
class EventForm<T : Any, C : KlerkContext>(csrfToken: String, inputs: List<Pair<String, InputType>>, referenceSelects: Set<ReferencePropertyWithOptions>, propsPopulatedAfterSubmit: List<String>, params: T?, postPath: String?, queryParams: Map<String, String>, htmlDetailsSummary: String?, htmlDetailsContents: Set<String>, template: EventFormTemplate<T, C>, translator: Translator)


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constructor(csrfToken: String, inputs: List<Pair<String, InputType>>, referenceSelects: Set<ReferencePropertyWithOptions>, propsPopulatedAfterSubmit: List<String>, params: T?, postPath: String?, queryParams: Map<String, String>, htmlDetailsSummary: String?, htmlDetailsContents: Set<String>, template: EventFormTemplate<T, C>, translator: Translator)


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fun render(tag: HtmlBlockTag, postPath: String? = null)

Renders the form in the provided tag. Note that only one form may be rendered per page (otherwise you will get a CSRF-token problem).